Friday, March 07, 2008

Crunchy: Pycon 2008 release

Crunchy is getting really close to a 1.0 version. To mark the Pycon 2008 event (that I won't be able to attend), I just did a new release (0.9.9). It has a few new goodies that I won't list here, leaving Johannes do the demonstration. As for me, I am heading down South for a vacation with my kids.

Note: the opening Crunchy page indicates that this is version - which is incorrect.

What is left to be done for version 1.0 is cleaning up the existing documentation (proofreading, proofreading, proofreading) and adding a few more pages to it. New features will have to wait until after 1.0.... unless we get feedback from Pycon attendees for "must have" features that we could implement quickly.

As far as I know, there are no bugs (famous last words). If you find any, please let us know.

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