1. The fate of input() and raw_input() in Python.
2. Using a distinctive logo for promoting interactive tutorials using Python.
3. Creating an interactive tutorial repository.
According to this, both input() and raw_input() are supposed to disappear in Python 3.0. After thinking about it for quite some time, I posted a message on edu-sig about the proposed change last September, expressing my "opposition" to the proposed change, and seeking the opinion of others on this topic. After a while, a near-consensus emerged, supporting the idea of keeping at least something like raw_input() in Python 3.0. I then wrote a pre-PEP, which generated more positive comments and encouragements but otherwise no further action from other edu-sig subscribers more involved in the Python community than I am. Unfortunately, due to my work, I had to drop all my Python-related activities for a few months and was not able to follow up until late December. With the end of the year approaching, I found the time to incorporate the comments received on edu-sig and offered a revised pre-PEP to the Python 3000 list on December 22nd. This was a single posting from me as I don't subscribe to that list. A bit of discussion ensued after which Guido stated that he like the proposal better than any of the other alternatives mentioned and, later, suggested that someone should "clean up and check in the proto-PEP and start working on an implementation or patch."
Unfortunately, and perhaps because this happened just before the holidays, nothing further was done. So, I'm thinking about raising the issue again at Pycon. Having something like raw_input() is, I believe, nearly essential for using interactive tutorials of the kinds produced by crunchy in a teaching environment aimed at beginners.
Further on the topic of interactive tutorials, I have been thinking of an easy means to identify them. For those that have tried crunchy, you will have noticed that an interactive tutorial viewed through a regular browser without using crunchy appears to be nothing else than your average (W3C compliant) html document. Since such tutorials could be included on any web site, I was thinking it might be useful to give a visual clue to crunchy users. There already exist a Python logo to identify applications, namely:

Finally, if enough people start writing interactive tutorials using crunchy, I thought it might be useful to have a central repository somewhere. Moving away from the Monty Python references, I thought that the Snake PIT (for Python Interactive Tutorials) might be a catchy name.
So, for you, patient reader that has made it this far, does it sound like a worthwhile for a Lightning talk, especially if it is supplemented by a one-minute demo of an interactive tutorial? I'm pretty sure I could cover all three topics above in less than the scheduled 5 minutes for a lightning talk, as I would not have to go into much detail about the history; just the facts...