Sunday, August 23, 2009

New plugin for Crunchy ... and bug fixes

Crunchy has a new plugin: getsource. What it does is enable a tutorial writer to embed a "link" to a python module inside an html file, or a class within that module, or a function or method, and have the source code being extracted by the inspect module and inserted within the html page.

Crunchy being Crunchy, it can also embed an interpreter or an editor right below the code source so that a user can interact with it.

And since not everyone likes to write documentation using straight html, a custom docutils directive is supported so that it works from reStructuredText files too.

The docutils directive looks as follows:

..getsource:: relative/path/to/module[.function] [linenumber] [editor or interpreter]

with a similar syntax for html files.

This plugin (which still has some minor bugs) is included in release 1.0.1 of Crunchy, which contains other minor bug fixes (as compared with release 1.0).

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