Crunchy's approach does not require a plugin to be class-based. In fact, most plugins used in Crunchy only make use of simple functions inside modules. While the class-based framework introduced in the third post used the fact that Python allowed automatic discovery of subclasses, the approach used in Crunchy requires an explicit registration of plugins. Using the same example as before, this means that would contain the following code:
def register(OPERATORS):
OPERATORS['**'] = operator_pow_token
class operator_pow_token(object):
lbp = 30
def led(self, left):
return left ** expression(30-1)
Note that the class (operator_pow_token) is unchanged from the original application.
The method used to find plugins is similar to that introduced previously. The entire code required is as follows:
By comparison, the code used in the class-based plugin could have been written as:
def init_plugins(expression):
plugin_dir = (os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
plugin_files = [x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(plugin_dir) if x.endswith(".py")]
sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)
for plugin in plugin_files:
mod = __import__(plugin)
if hasattr(mod, "register"):
mod.expression = expression
So, in one case (Crunchy-style), we have an explicit registration process with no need to create a sample base class (and, in fact, no need to work with classes at all), while in the other we have an automatic registration based on identifying subclasses. This does not mean that the Crunchy-style is better - just different. Both are equally good for this type of simple application. While we have not found the approach used in Crunchy to be limiting us in any way when extending Crunchy, something must be said for the fact that all the other Python examples of plugin-based application I have found have been based on using classes.
def init_plugins(expression):
plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
plugin_files = [x[:-3] for x in os.listdir(plugin_dir) if x.endswith(".py")]
sys.path.insert(0, plugin_dir)
for plugin in plugin_files:
mod = __import__(plugin)
mod.expression = expression
for plugin in Plugin.__subclasses__():
OPERATORS[plugin.symbol] = plugin
I can now give another motivation for having chosen the small expression calculator as a candidate for a plugin-based application: since all mathematical operations were already implemented as classes, it was readily suitable for the class-based approach (and the Zope Component Architecture one, etc.) whereas all my existing code samples that used plugins (from Crunchy, docpicture, etc.) had mostly functions rather than classes in plugins.
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