This post is not related to programming per se; feel free to skip it ...
"We" are in the process of revamping our web site, and use a CMS. We have just signed off on the first part of the project (new look and wireframe) and are looking at the second (and "final") stage. As we are too small to afford a commercial solution, we are looking at open source CMS. So far, the preferred choice of our director of technology is Alfresco. The choice recommended by our usual technology provider is Joomla! My favourite would likely be Plone - given it is written in Python ;-)
Normally, we would proceed with a public tender - but given that there are few local providers, we may just proceed with the same firm that provided services in phase one. However ... If some of you reading this have work experience in this area, and would be interested in such a project, have a look at our current web site, and give me an informal time/cost estimate of migrating this website to use a [Python based? ;-)] CMS. If we do proceed to tender, you would most likely be included in our list of firms contacted to submit an offer.