Lately, there seems to be a lot of posts trying to encourage people to port their apps/libraries/modules to Python 3. I'd like to add my voice and perhaps, use as a reminder this old post: more than 2 years ago, Crunchy was made compatible with Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 ... and 3.1. At the time, we made the decision to not follow what seem to be the official recommendation, namely to have one code base based on 2.x and use the 2to3 tool to do the automatic translation. Instead, we decided to have a single code base, which seems the way people are doing it these days. There were of course some challenges, especially as we kept compatibility all the way back to Python 2.4: since Crunchy puts a Python interpreter inside your browser and manipulates what's there, regardless of the encoding, it has to be able to do a lot of string (and bytes for 3.x) manipulations, as well as dealing with incompatible syntax for handling exceptions, etc. when running the code that is fed to it. This was done when there was very little known about best practices for porting from 2.x to 3. Partly as a result, Crunchy's code is not the best example to look at when it comes to doing such a port ... but it certainly demonstrated that it was possible to port a non-trivial program with a tiny team. Now, the situation is quite different, and many more projects have been ported, and you can benefit from their experience.
So, what are you waiting for?